The Ever-Growing List

  • When cooking rice, pasta, etc. always make a lot more than you need.  Divide up the leftovers, label and date, and put in your freezer for later use.
  • Extra steamed or roasted veggies?  Add them to broth and blend for a quick soup you can eat now or freeze for later.  

What are your favorites?

I love watching people do whatever it is that they love to do. No matter how much skill you might have, everyone does things just a bit differently, and that is the joy of going to a class, watching a great chef in action, or listening to an inspired teacher. No matter what your skill level might be, there is always something to learn. Most of the time, those little bits of genius are what I call tips & tricks. No reason to invent the wheel, listen to people who have “been there, done that”. These shortcuts can sometimes make all the difference in how we get something done. I love learning new Tips and Tricks!