The Ever-Growing List

  • Make sure you have extra portions of soup, chili, or your favorite entree in the freezer to grab when you’re tired or out of time.  
  • Canned beans/lentils are your friend.
  • Frozen veggies/fruit are lifesavers.
  • Remember those portions of extra pasta and rice you have in the freezer?  Grab one of those and add some canned beans or lentils and some frozen veggies.  Dinner is done!

What are your favorites?

The biggest complaint I always hear about making healthier meals is that it takes too much time. If you’re like me, sometimes you enjoy spending time in the kitchen, cutting and chopping and simmering. And sometimes you don’t want to think about it at all and just need food fast. If you have some of these ideas/options handy, you can still eat in a healthy way rather than picking up the phone for delivery or diving into a less healthy option lurking in your freezer. Here are some ideas – please share any of your favorites that work for you.